( da ich mich gerade mit diesem Thema befasse. Es können hier Fehler auftreten die aber nach und nach verbessert werden )
Begonnen hat alles mit einer kühlschrankgroßen Diagnosestation genannt JDS ab 1988

Jaguar Diagnostic System (JDS) JDS is a computer-based, software-driven diagnostic tool for 1988 MY and later vehicles.
JDS aids the technician in finding faults and verifying vehicle system operation.
JDS allows the technician to “look into” the vehicle system and guides logical diagnosis of complex problems.
JDS can also print out a “trace”, which documents the diagnosis procedure. A trace printout
is required for warranty claims that include JDS diagnostic time.
( Originaltext aus Publication number T-INTR/95© 1995 Jaguar Cars PRINTED IN USA )
Die Bedienungsanleitung findet ihr hier
Für folgende Fahrzeuge
XJ Serie 3 ab BJ 1988
1993 wurde dann die PDU eingeführt diese ist mittlerweile genau so wenig zu bekommen wie die JDS Station

Portable Diagnostic Unit (PDU)
The Jaguar PDU, introduced in 1993, is the second generation computer-based, softwaredriven diagnostic tool. PDU communicates
with vehicle systems through a single, serial communications diagnostic connector.
The systems supported through serial communications on current vehicles include engine
management, transmission, security, instrumentation, braking, climate control and air bag supplementary restraints.
Systems not supported through serial communications are supported through directed diagnostics using
PDU as a multimeter.
PDU’s expanded capabilities, small size and portability have proven a valuable resource in the hands of trained technicians.
As with all diagnostic aids, both JDS and PDU require training, understanding and knowledge
of the vehicle system being tested to maximize their effectiveness.
( Originaltext aus Publication number T-INTR/95© 1995 Jaguar Cars PRINTED IN USA )
Für folgende Fahrzeuge
XJS - BJ 1990 - 1996
XJ Serie - BJ 1995 - 2001
XK 8 X 100 - BJ 1997 - 2001
S Type - BJ 2000 - 2001
GenRad GDS 500 E
Eingeführt 1997

Jaguar and GenRad diagnostics have developed a generic OBDII scantool, the GDS 500E, for Jaguar service, which will function on all OBDII equipped Jaguars from 1995 MY. It will also work on most other foreign and domestic vehicles equipped with OBDII.
The uniqueness of this tool is that it will allow the user to
interrogate the OBDII control modules which cause the MIL light to illuminate.
These modules include the engine and transmission management which traditionally represent the majority of check engine lights, and customer concerns.
The GDS 500E does not require the MPA as an interface buffer as required by PDU.
A special feature called “Jagcom” provides this function and is built into the GDS 500E.

The replaceable PROM cartridge supplied with the GDS 500E will be upgraded by GenRad and made available as the OBD systems evolve to include systems such as ABS etc.
Typically, when the vehicle enters the service drive with the CHECK ENGINE MIL on, the tool would be used as follows:
1) The GDS 500E is plugged into the J1962 Diagnostic Link Connector.
2) The technician would select from the following menu options:
Monitor current power train data (similar to datalogger)
Monitor freeze frame data
Request emission trouble codes (DTC codes)
Request oxygen sensor results
On board monitoring test results
Expanded diagnostic test results (CAN systems fitted to XK8 and 1998 MY-ON Sedan)
Evaluation support (misfire detection, catalyst, EGR, evap tests)
MIL status (check engine light operation)
3) The most appropriate option would be selected request emission Trouble codes (DTC) for example.
4) The trouble code would be displayed as a DTC. The drive cycle DTC Manual and electrical schematics would then be used to perform the repair. (These have already been provided to all dealers.)
5) After the repair the code would be cleared from the “clear diagnostic Trouble code” option.
6) The technician would do a final road test re-creating the fault parameters to ensure the fault was fixed using the drive cycle information.
This tool is not mandatory, does not replace the PDU, but will provide a quicker diagnosis and repair of the CHECK ENGINE light faults for the experienced technician.
Prior to general release of this tool, it is available to Jaguar franchised dealers.
The current cost would be:
$1235.40 + shipping
There is a one year warranty from GenRad on this tool. All upgrades and new proms will be made available from GenRad direct.
You and your technicians may have already seen this tool as it is demonstrated in service training and our field service engineers are equipped with the GDS 500E when they visit your dealership.
If you would like to order the GDS 500E send a fax as follows:
Attention Jaguar Service Equipment. Fax # (201) 818 9074
I would like to purchase the GDS 500E and have it sent directly to:
your name,
dealership name,
dealer number.
A unit will be sent within one week and your parts account will be billed directly.
If you have any questions on the use of the tool, contact the Jaguar Service Equipment Dept. at (201) 818 8304,
or the Jaguar Hotline at 1 800 JAG DLRS.
There are currently 175 units available and Jaguar Cars reserves the right to limit initial orders.
Once these are sold out, additional GDS 500E units will be made
available to you with a minimal lead time from GenRad.
Das WDS ( Worldwide diagnostic system ) wurde 2000 eingeführt
Das WDS läuft unter Windows 98

The new Worldwide Diagnostic System (WDS Jaguar Version) is a diagnostic tool which was developed for diagnosing faults
in electrical and electronic systems in Jaguar vehicles.
This diagnostic system supersedes all the diagnostic tools previously used by Jaguar. In addition, the WDS is able to diagnose faults
in systems which could not be checked with the earlier diagnostic tools. WDS performs the required diagnostic routines to guide the
technician to faulty components and subsystems with the aid of menus and some automatic diagnostic procedures.
System knowledge and experience in vehicle and system diagnostics are essential requirements for working with the WDS.
The WDS uses information which is loaded from an application CD-ROM. The application CD is updated and distributed to all dealers monthly.
The initial application CD will contain vehicle data for all V8 and V6 engine models from the 1997 model year.
Subsequent releases will expand model applicability and eventually contain data for all
Jaguar vehicles from the 1990 model year onwards.
Sedan - BJ 1995 - 1997
XJS - BJ 1996 - 1997
XK8 - BJ 1997 -
XJ8 - BJ 1998 -
S Type - BJ 2000 -
X Type - BJ 2002 -
Das IDS wurde 2005/6 eingeführt und Ende 2009 auf IDS / SDD erweitert
Die letzte IDS Version war 118,5 von 08.2009
auf Panasonic CF 18 - 19 - 28 mit Windows XP Prf. SP 3

das Zubehör waren das


und Vibrationsanalyse Indoor
und Kardanwelle ( leider kein Photo da ich die noch nicht habe )
wichtiges Zubehör war das Midtronics CX 25 Pro

Dieses muß verwendet werden wenn Steuergeräte Programmiert werden zur Stromerhaltung
sonst ist das Steuergerät Schrott
Das IDS von Version 100 bis Version 118,5 liefen offline - hier ist keine permanente Update Nachfrage
In unserem Fundus sind Version 109 und 118,5
kam ab 2009/10 auf den Markt und lief bis 2012 auf Panasonic CF 19 und CF 28 mit Windows XP Prof. SP 3
Hierzu wurden ebenfalls
Midtronics CX 25 Pro
Beide Vibrations Analysegeräte und für kleinere Arbeiten das
Hier haben wir die Versionen 125 und 130
Ab der 125 Software-Version konnte zusätzlich das Mongooose für kleinere Arbeiten genutzt werden

ab da nur noch SDD